Illinois Tiny Satellite Initiative

University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign
 Beacon Report Form


Report a Beacon here (QSL's available for first 100 contacts!)


 Beacon Information

We Need Help!

We are looking for ham radio operators who can listen for our satellite's beacon, which will be broadcast at 437.505 MHz immediately after launch. The beacon is sent in plain text over AX.25 every 5 minutes, and anyone listening with a TNC in connectionless mode should be able to pick it up.  No software/formulas/decoders are necessary.  Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive announcements including launch information.  Report beacons at  Send questions to cubesat AT with your name/location and any data that you receive.

Frequency: 437.505 MHz, AFSK

Speed: 1200bps

Format: Plain text over AX.25

When: Every 5 min

Subscribe to the ION Email List

Report Beacons at:

Send questions to: cubesat AT

ION News

TLE (ION is in PPOD A)


Beacon Format: The three types of beacon are below (%i's will be replaced by 2-digit numbers):

Power-up beacon
UIUC-ION: University of Illinois Cubesat Satellite - C[%i %i %i] - Greetings Earthlings!

Main beacon
UIUC-ION: C[%i %i %i] T[%i] B1[%i %i] B2[%i %i] U[%i %i] SB[%i %i] S[%i %i %i %i %i] M[%i %i %i]

Power-down beacon
UIUC-ION: University of Illinois Cubesat Satellite - C[%i %i %i] - See you on the flip side!


Private Links: [ION Dashboard] [Wiki] [Files] (Login: "UIUC\netid", Password: UIUC Active Directory Password)