Illinois Tiny Satellite Initiative |
University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign |
Illinois Observing Nanosatellite (ION) - Launches July 26, 2006!! |
The Illinois Observing Nanosatellite (ION) is the first project
of the Illinois Tiny Satellite Initiative (ITSI), which is organized through an
interdisciplinary senior design course. The course objectives include training
students to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems as part of a
large multi-team project. As the University of Illinois' first
student-developed satellite, ION has been completed and awaits launch in the
near future.
Get involved!
Ham Radio Operators:
Listen for ION's beacon, report
a contact, get a QSL!
All: Subscribe to our newsletter! (few emails/year)

Over the past five years, over 125 students across seven
engineering disciplines have contributed to the project. Most students
participate in their senior year with some starting earlier or participating as
graduate students. One to two graduate Teaching Assistants provide day-to-day
program management and continuity across semesters as the students in the course
continually change. In addition, three faculty advisors provide mentorship and
numerous other faculty provide technical support as required. Typically, five to
six teams of three to five people each participate in the project. Other ITSI
projects include the primary payload for the Thunderstorm Effects in Space
Technology Nanosatellite (TEST) and a successor to ION (temporarily named ION-2)
that began one year ago.
Illinois Observing Nanosatellite (ION) |
ION Missions

In addition to the primary educational mission that CubeSat programs
perform, the University of Illinois has strived to also demonstrate the utility
of these tiny satellites by following through on real
missions including a science mission. The
ION team hopes that the resulting product will help expand the perceptions of
what these tiny satellites can do someday leading to future space sensor webs.
The first of ION's missions involves measuring
Oxygen airglow emissions from the Earth’s mesosphere. This helps
scientists understand how energy transfers across large regions contributing to
our knowledge of atmospheric dynamics. Second,
ION tests a new
MicroVacuum Arc Thruster (µVAT) with high
dynamic range advancing a key enabling technology for small satellites.
This serves as a stepping-stone towards a
versatile low mass satellite propulsion system capable of lateral movement and
finely controlling attitude. Such a capability might someday allow greater
interaction with other spacecraft. Third, ION
tests a new SID processor board designed specifically for small satellites in
Low Earth Orbits (LEO). By utilizing a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)
processor that is radiation hardened through system design techniques, it allows
small satellites to take advantage of the latest in small, low power, high
performance processor technology with increased reliability.
Fourth, ION tests small CMOS camera for Earth
imaging on this and future spacecraft. Finally,
ION performs ground based attitude stabilization demonstrating an important
capability for the future growth of
CubeSats. ION’s design includes solar
cell power point tracking, dual redundant batteries, a custom communications
protocol, a custom file system, automatic telemetry publication to the Web, and
future support for distributed ground stations.
Science Mission Details
ION’s primary mission consists of measuring molecular Oxygen airglow
emissions from the Earth’s mesosphere using a 760nm photometer. Oxygen
chemistry at this 90km altitude emits a dim glow of light, and ION’s photometer
should show perturbations in this airglow caused by various effects such as the
presence of mountains. These perturbations ripple through the atmosphere
in 15km to >2500km waves carried by wind. By studying these waves,
scientists learn how energy transfers across large spatial regions contributing
to knowledge of upper atmospheric dynamics. This airglow emission is
absorbed by the Earth’s lower atmosphere preventing study with Earth-based
sensors, and satellite detection has the added benefit of global coverage.
In addition, ION’s orbit gives it a unique opportunity to gather this data
around the Polar Regions and at higher latitudes.

ION Experiments
- Establish Contact with
UI's First Student Satellite
- Survive the First Two
- Test / Characterize
All Systems
- Determine Satellite
- Stabilize Satellite
- Measure Oxygen Airglow
- Photograph Earth
- Test SID Processor
- Test Thrusters
- Test Polyethylene
ION's Future
At a date in the near future (check News/Update posts above), ION will be put into a polar orbit around the earth by the Russian DNEPR-1 launch
vehicle with a space head module. An interesting fact about the previous
purpose of this launch vehicle is that it used to be a Russian, liquid-fuelled
SS-18 ICBM. It is modified by replacing the payload compartment
with a space head module to create the DNEPR-1 launch vehicle. When in
orbit, it's orbit allows for two periods of communication, one at 12:00pm and
another 12:00am for a total communication time of about 45 minutes. ION sensory information and PMT data will be
downloaded using a ground station at the University of Illinois. Orbital maneuvers and operational timetables will be uploaded
during our communication period.
ION is designed to operate for six months, at which time the batteries will
wear out and radiation will erode the electronic components. After about 10
years, ION's orbit will decay, and it will burn up in the atmosphere.
So far, some 100 organizations have registered intentions to develop
CubeSats, and about a dozen have launched. Success rates have been surprisingly
high considering that these satellites are developed by inexperienced students
often as the first spacecraft from their institutions. The CubeSat Spec,
developed by Stanford and Cal-Poly Universities, standardizes the mechanical
interface between CubeSats and their PPOD deployers. This allows developers to
efficiently combine multiple CubeSats and include them as secondary payloads
with ongoing launches.
CubeSats typically have a mass of one kilogram with dimensions of
10x10x10cm, and they can be combined into double or triple CubeSats to create a
larger satellite. Three CubeSats fit into deployers called PPODs developed by
Cal-Poly University. They then mount multiple PPODs onto a launch vehicle as
secondary payloads. The CubeSat spec specifically minimizes risk to the rest of
the launch vehicle and payloads. For example, switches at the bottom of each
satellite’s feet turn off all electronics while the satellite waits for
deployment in the PPOD, and the PPOD completely encloses the CubeSats. The
satellites also go through vibration, thermal-vacuum, and bake out procedures
prior to launch.